It all started with trying to find a way to carry Siracha sauce.
Cary is 100% made in USA, developed and created in house tooling and finishing. All components come from USA based suppliers.
It has been a two year journey to create the best lip balm holder on the market.
NEVER LOSE YOUR CHAPSTICK LIP BALM AGAIN: Holds lip balm snuggly. Does not fall out during use. Organizer for your lip balm keeps it handy.
FITS STANDARD 0.15 OZ SIZED CYLINDRICAL LIP BALM: Burt’s Bees, Chapstick, Carmex, Blistex, brands and many others. Acts like a sleeve holder for your favorite brand of lip balm.
DIAL PROTECTION: Nothing more frustrating when using your lip balm and have a huge amount of it sticking out. The unique shape of the Cary protects the dial from turning but you still have access to it when you need it.
EASY ACCESS: The Cary holds onto the Chapstick so you have easy access to the lip balm. Just remove cap, apply and your covered. You do not need to remove the lip balm from the Tallac House Cary Holder
STAINLESS STEEL FINISH: Brushed finish made in USA from 303 stainless steel
4.7 Stars on Amazon